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What is the Amsler Grid? Testing Your Eyes for AMD

Image showing AMD spelled out, which is the abbreviation for Age-related Macular Degeneration, an eye disease.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration You may have heard about age-related macular degeneration (AMD); after all, it is the leading cause of vision loss in adults over 65. AMD progresses gradually with very few early warning symptoms, and typically affects adults over 50. This condition occurs when the macula starts to deteriorate as part of the normal […]

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What is a Visual Field Test & Why is it Important?

A woman completing a visual field test to help spot possible eye problems

Mapping Your Visual Field Our optometrists can determine so much more than your corrective lens prescription when you come in for an eye exam. We can run tests to help diagnose diabetic eye problems, glaucoma, and other eye diseases that may not have apparent symptoms. Your visual field holds clues to your overall vision health. […]

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Dry Eye vs. Allergies: How to Tell the Difference

A young woman with a red irritated eye

Red, irritated, and watery eyes are key symptoms of dry eye disease, and they are indicators of eye allergies as well. A comprehensive eye exam can diagnose what is causing your symptoms. Before you book an appointment, is there any way to tell the difference between dry eye and allergies? Learn more about dry eye, […]

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