Our Practice

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See & Be Seen in Stony Plain

Legacy defines everything we do.

Legacy is our history and our future. Dr. Randhawa’s father was an ophthalmologist in India, and she hopes to continue his legacy in Stony Plain. Our family-owned practice is built on this legacy of high-quality eye care and service, and it is our goal to leave our legacy in Stony Plain.

We began our venture in 2019 and have since been building our practice to provide advanced, patient-centred care that treats the person as a whole. As members of the Stony Plain community, our team truly cares about each patient who walks through our doors.

We look forward to serving you and your family!

Our professional optometry affiliations:

  • Alberta College of Optometrists
  • Alberta Association of Optometrists
  • The Canadian Association of Optometrists

Meet Your Eye Care Team


Dr. Puneet Randhawa




Practice Manager


Nicole Kane

Optometric Assistant


Candy Merrier

Optical Assistant

Our Services

Our Google Reviews

Where to Find Us

You can find our beautiful new clinic behind the Best Western, just off 43rd Avenue in Atim Creek Centre.

We direct bill to all major insurance providers, including Blue Cross, Manulife, Great West Life, Sun Life Financial, Alberta Works, Dejardins, and so many more!

Our Address

#119-3003 43 Avenue
Stony Plain, AB T7Z 0H4

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9 AM3 PM
10 AM6 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM3 PM
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